Stevan Nikolin

Neuroscience Fellow | Cognitive Electrophysiologist | TMS Instructor

University of New South Wales | Black Dog Institute


I'm a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of New South Wales and the Black Dog Institute in Sydney, Australia. I've always had a fascination with psychology and neuroscience because the brain, our vehicle for thought, is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe - and I love a good mystery.

My research focuses on the neuroscience of depression. Like many others, I've seen how much suffering it inflicts on the people that are closest to me. I'm hopeful that, by studying what differentiates healthy brain activity from depressed activity, and working on new brain stimulation interventions based on these insights, my research will help advance the field to develop a treatment that's effective for all who need it.


  • Novel Treatments for Depression
  • Brain Stimulation
  • Cognitive Neuroscience and Electrophysiology


  • PhD from the School of Psychiatry, 2019
University of New South Wales
  • Masters of Commerce in International Business, 2010
University of New South Wales
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics and Psychology, 2008
University of New South Wales